What Can We Sell On Amazon Without Approval?

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Are you interested in breaking into the world of selling jewelry or collectibles on Amazon? Unfortunately, you’ll need Amazon approval to get there.

Of Amazon’s 33 primary Amazon seller categories, only 13 are entirely unrestricted to sellers. 10 more are also unrestricted but contain specific products that require approval.

We’ve made this brief guide to tell you what and what does and does not require approval on Amazon, and how you can get approved for the restricted categories. 

What Requires Approval And Why

Before we go into what requires approval on Amazon, let’s discuss why Amazon restricts categories. 

Amazon wants its customers to shop with the confidence that they are receiving genuine and quality products. That is why Amazon restricts specific categories that are easily forged, duplicated, or misrepresented. This includes fine art, various media, and collectibles. To sell in these categories, sellers must first establish their credibility on the platform.

We’ll cover how sellers can establish credibility and get approval for these categories in just a moment. First, let’s take a look at what categories Amazon considers restricted:

  • Automotive and Powersports
  • Collectible Coins
  • Jewelry
  • Entertainment Collectibles 
  • Music and DVD
  • Sports Collectibles
  • Video, DVD, and Blu-ray Players
  • Watches
  • Major Appliances
  • Fine Art* 

*Amazon has limited new seller applications for this category. 

Amazon must provide approval for sellers looking to sell all products in these categories. So, what doesn’t require approval? 

What Doesn’t Require Approval 

Various categories require no approval from Amazon at all. That makes them a good place to start for new Amazon sellers looking to establish their credibility on the platform and break into the restricted categories. What’s more, they let you get started selling right away without waiting for approval. 

So, let’s take a look at those categories. 

  • Amazon Kindle – Sellers can list self-published and traditionally published authors of digital and audible books.
  • Baby Products – Except for baby apparel, Amazon allows sellers to sell all manner of baby products. This category includes diapers to toys.
  • Beauty – This category has no restrictions and includes makeup, fragrance, and some personal care products.
  • Books – Sellers can sell new and used books without approval. However, the subcategory of collectible books requires approval to ensure authenticity.
  • Cell Phones and Accessories – Sellers can find smartphones, other cell phones, and their accessories in this category. There is no restriction on this category.
  • Consumer Electronics – Small kitchen appliances, headphones, cameras, and smart home devices are only a few examples of this broad category. It also contains a handful of restricted items.

    We recommend sellers interested in selling these products consult the electronic accessories help page for more details.
  • Grocery and Gourmet Foods – This category has specific requirements and restrictions for some products.

    For in-depth detail on the requirements for selling grocery and gourmet foods, consult this help page on seller central.
  • Health and Personal Care – This category does have some overlap with beauty. However, it is for the most part unrestricted.
  • Industrial and Scientific – These products include laboratory equipment and the like. However, it also has certain requirements such as an active professional seller subscription.

    For more details on this category’s requirements, see the Selling Industrial And Scientific Products help page.
  • Kindle Accessories and Amazon Fire TV Accessories – This category has no restrictions for new, certified refurbished, and used products.
  • Office Products – This includes office supplies, furniture, and equipment.
  • Pet Supplies – This category includes food, treats, and toys. 

How To Get Approval For Restricted Categories 

The best way to get approval from Amazon to sell in a given category is to establish yourself on the platform. For new sellers, this is best done by dealing in the open categories we’ve just discussed. After that, they can apply for approval for Amazon per restricted category.

Amazon takes into consideration invoices as well as various other factors before approving a seller. These other factors include: 

  • Less than 1% of order defects
  • A professional seller subscription 
  • Account Standing 
  • Three months of sales history
  • A return address in the country where you are selling
  • Availability of customer support

Ensuring that your account clears these hurdles before applying for approval increases your chances of receiving speedy approval from Amazon.


Amazon’s rules and requirements can feel complicated, but don’t let that intimidate you. They’re easy to master when you have a little help.

Contact us today for help managing your Amazon Marketplace and getting the edge you need to compete. We help with everything from education to the total handling of your Amazon profile. Our goal is to free you from the tedium to focus on important things.

Are you ready to list all of your products on the Amazon Marketplace? 

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