How to get a brand registered with Amazon’s IP Accelerator Program

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When creating business on Amazon, everyone should take advantage of the Amazon Brand Registry. This platform enables a suite of tools otherwise unavailable for non-registered sellers. While it isn’t mandatory to become a part of this platform, it makes it more effective and secure.

Amazon Brand Registry matters because it offers protection from knock-off and imitation products. The only requirement of businesses that wish to participate is a trademark for their brand. This should be both in text and in logo form. 

Businesses that opt-in to this platform receive protection of their trademark, tools like Amazon stores and advertising options, and access to Amazon A+ content. With a set of tools for sellers this important, you may wonder why everyone isn’t already on this platform?

In short, trademarks are difficult. They take a long time to process and businesses often just decide to not deal with them altogether. Seeing this gap, Amazon instituted the Amazon IP Accelerator Program.

The purpose of this program, the eligibility requirements it carries, and how to enroll are the subject of today’s article. Keep reading to become an expert on one of Amazon’s most important tools for new businesses.

What is the Amazon IP Accelerator Program?

The design of the Amazon IP Accelerator program is to help brands that are not currently part of the Brand Registry acquire intellectual property rights and brand protection. The main way they assist is through the offering of a curated list of IP law firms vetted by Amazon and early access to beneficial tools.

Benefits of Amazon IP Accelerator

Despite the name, this program does not assist in getting your registration faster. Rather, the benefit of joining this program comes in the form of two specific features of it. 

Ditch the Wait

If you have filed for your trademark with one of the trusted law firms of the accelerator program, you won’t have to wait for it to go through before you can begin on Brand Registry. That means that, while Amazon cannot help speed up the process of getting your trademark, they can offer the benefits of having it earlier.

Intent to trademark is as good as a trademark as long as the final result is approval. By using a cache of trusted lawyers, Amazon can mitigate the risk associated with the time between filing and approval. Therefore, they don’t require that you wait for approval before adding your company to the Brand Registry. 

Amazon IP Accelerator Law Firms

The law firms provided by Amazon’s IP Accelerator program offer pre-negotiated rates with a set list of services. Included in the offerings are both wordmarks (your name) and design marks (your logo.) 

If you have more legal needs beyond these two items, you are also welcome to negotiate rates for additional services. 

How Much is Amazon IP Accelerator?

In terms of the actual initiative, there is no fee associated with entering the IP Accelerator Program. Amazon connects businesses with these approved law firms free of charge to encourage more businesses to work with them.

That said, the lawyers that are performing these services for you are not doing so pro bono. Amazon sets limits on these service fees which they pre-negotiate with the law firms they’re connecting you to, however. 

These maximum fees are:

  • A brand search of Trademark Office records from a high-level to find any current registrations or applications – $500 Maximum
  • Trademark Office or unregistered uses as part of a comprehensive brand review – $1800 Maximum
  • US trademark application filing – $600 Maximum

Outside of these fees, filers can expect government fees of around $275. This brings the maximum total to around $3,175 all things considered.  

Who can use the Amazon IP Accelerator Program?

Anyone who sells on Amazon is eligible for the Amazon IP Accelerator program. Though all of the current law firms involve US trademark applications, Amazon states this is available worldwide.

How do I apply for the Amazon IP Accelerator?

Anyone interested is welcome to sign up for the Amazon IP Accelerator here. Once on the website, follow the process below to get set up!

  1. Click Get Started
  2. Select your location, where you will sell your products, and what you need help with–the IP Accelerator.
  3. From here, a list of lawyers partnered with the program will appear. Click on any of them to see their Amazon business page including reviews and contact information if you’d like to use them. 

What if my Trademark is Denied after using the Amazon IP Accelerator?

Amazon will continue to monitor your application throughout the process of approval. During this time, businesses can enjoy the same benefits of a fully-trademarked company. While this is a tremendous benefit to small businesses in the midst of gaining approval, it can easily go away.

If Amazon learns of the denial of your application, they will remove you from the program and from the Brand Registry in general.

Alternatives to Amazon’s IP Accelerator

The IP Accelerator program is free but the fees – legal and otherwise – can quickly add up. If the price tag seems too steep for your current state of business there are other options.

Wait it Out

Save almost all of your money by filing your trademark application on your own. While this option is the least expensive, it’s also the least efficient. Those who file on their own can expect the process to take anywhere between 6 and 12 months to finalize. 

The only expense associated with filing on your own is the filing fee of $275.

Consider Other Countries

Amazon accepts trademarks from a myriad of countries. Outside of the United States, they also accept trademarks filed in Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, France, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Italy, the UAE, and Singapore. 

Some of these countries offer a waiting time that is far less than the one here in the United States. For many, filing in the United Kingdom is an attractive option. That’s because it will be easy to find an English-speaking lawyer and the total wait time for this country is only 3-5 months. 

With this option, companies can have access to a registered trademark much faster than they could here in the States.

Help with Amazon IP Accelerator Program

The Amazon IP Accelerator Program is just one example of the ways that Amazon offers help to businesses. Since many are unaware of these offerings, they don’t take notice of them, putting them at a disadvantage. 

Flipping that around, businesses that are aware of and take advantage of these programs can excel. But, between the many tasks of running a business, how are you supposed to keep up with this element? Luckily, you don’t have to!

The team at Anata works hard to help brands thrive on Amazon. Our dedicated team of experts is here to help in three main ways that can revolutionize your business:

  1. Education: Anata University provides educational tools necessary to grow your e-commerce business to the next level
  2. Brand Essentials: Our team of marketers will provide product photography, packaging design, consultations, and more to get your brand right where you want it.
  3. Performance-Based Pricing: We don’t get paid unless you do! 

Let us take the managing of your Amazon profile off your plate, allowing you to spend more time focusing on the success of your business.

Contact us today to learn more and start reclaiming your time!

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