How To Apply For A GTIN Exemption And Its Importance To Amazon Business

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Amazon manages a large amount of inventory and a wide range of products every day. To keep track of it all, they require items to have a scannable code. Without this standardized code to track the many items sold throughout the world, nobody could ever keep track.

But what are these barcodes? And what if your item doesn’t have one? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and show you how to sign up for an exemption if you qualify.

Different Types of GTINs

GTIN is an acronym that means Global Trade Item Number. It is a unique code printed on an item so that merchants can sell and track them more easily. Typically represented as a number on a barcode, there are many forms that GTINs take.

  • UPC – The Universal Product Code is on most retail products. It is a 12-digit ID and is one of the most common types in the world. 
  • EAN – As the name suggests, the European Article Number only applies to products in the European market.
  • JAN – Japanese Article Numbers are for products sold within the country of Japan. Like the EAN above, this is a strictly local use case.
  • ISBN – International Standard Book Numbers are for any books on the market.
  • GTIN-14 – These codes are specifically reserved for shipping containers.

Nearly every product on the shelves – Amazon or otherwise – includes one of these codes. Some merchants can apply for exceptions, however, and sell non-barcoded items.

GTIN Exceptions

Receiving a GTIN exception is the only way that merchants can sell products without a barcode on Amazon. Let’s dive into the reasons that may lead a business to apply and the process for doing so.

When to Apply

GTIN exceptions aren’t rare but the important thing to remember is that this is typically a short-term strategy. It will always be easier to get your GTIN approved than it will be to continually renew your exemption.

Many products require a GTIN without any exceptions but there are some for whom it’s beneficial. Handmade items, resellers/wholesalers, and importers are the biggest beneficiaries of an exemption. These are merchants who typically don’t have control over the production of the actual product or the barcode on it.

For these business owners, exceptions may be the only thing that allows them to still be operational. Before applying, spend time going through this list and making sure that your product is even eligible. 

In general, the items this exception is for are:

  • A product for which the original manufacturer does not provide  a GTIN
  • List items made by you without a barcode
  • Product parts that do not have an ID number
  • Bundled packs of multiple products
  • Generic products without a brand name

If having gone through all this, you still believe that you should receive an exemption, the next step is to apply.

How to Apply

After meeting one or more of the requirements, Amazon merchants can expect to have to meet the following requirements as well:

  1. 2-9 images of your item and packaging along with the product name. These must be real-world images where you are holding the product in your hand or placing it on a nearby table.
  2. A brand name submitted that matches the brand name featured on the product and packaging.
  3. Branding must be permanently affixed to the product and packaging.
  4. No GS1 approved barcodes.

In addition to this, resellers can expect to have to provide a letter from the brand owner. Since they’re reselling someone else’s product, they will need a letter stating that this is okay for them to do so. 

In the letter, make sure the brand is including the following data:

  1. The name and contact information of the one writing it.
  2. The grounds by which you are requisition a GTIN exemption. 
  3. Company contact information including phone number, website, and address.

From here, the following process will allow merchants to apply for this exemption:

  • From seller central, go to the appropriate page to apply for the exemption
  • Enter your product category and click “select”
  • Write the brand name in the Brand/Publisher field
    • For bundles/unbranded items type “generic” in all lowercase letters
  • Click the plus sign to add more brands or publishers under the same category. (You can apply for up to 10 exemptions.)
  • Click “Check for eligibility.”

From here, Amazon will tell you if you have a case to make or not. If you do, you can continue to the “submit proof” section and provide all of the required information from above.

Call in the Reinforcements with Anata!

Sick of trying to keep up with everything on your own? Anata is here to support you in every way that we feel capable of. We offer brand consulting, advertising, inventory management, market analysis, and financial evaluation to make sure you never get stuck on Seller Central again.
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