How to Boost Your Amazon Sales in 5 Ways

Sales on Amazon exceeded $66b last year. That is an increase of nearly double versus the year before, making the importance of selling on the platform obvious. While many can see the opportunities this presents, getting seen on Amazon is no easy feat. That’s because there are over 6 million unique sellers on Amazon vying […]
How To Create An Amazon Seller Account In 5 Steps

It has become nearly impossible to remember a time before Amazon. Today, Amazon ships out roughly 1.6m packages every single day. As such, many are naturally interested in trying to get a piece of the business opportunities this offers. An Amazon Seller Central account is the way independent sellers approach Amazon. As Amazon itself reports, […]
A Complete Guide of Amazon Brand Registry

With so many sellers flooding Amazon’s platform on a daily basis, it can be easy for some brands to become nervous about their reputation and products getting entangled with counterfeits, dishonest sellers, and misrepresented customer brand experiences. Amazon understands these fears. That is why Amazon launched Brand Registry which is a program that gives verified […]
Successful Upselling Techniques Sellers Can Learn From Amazon

Upselling is a valuable technique to learn for companies who are interested in increasing revenue. This method of marketing placements persuades customers to spend more money on products or services that pair with the original products the customer was interested in. Upselling has been shown to increase revenue by 10-30% on average and it has […]
How to Choose Wholesale Products to Sell on Amazon

There are a plethora of challenges that are rarely talked about when you start the process of creating your very own Amazon business. Sure, there are hundreds of articles guiding you through Seller Central, Amazon’s specific guidelines, and ways to make profits. Starter tasks, however, oftentimes get forgotten about or swept under the rug. Choosing […]
How to take advantage of Amazon’s New Sponsored Display Beta Campaign Type

There is simply no getting around it: more and more businesses are competing for ad space and targeting the same broad group of online shoppers. Fortunately, there is a solution. With Amazon’s new display beta campaign advertising, you can gain a competitive edge in advertising, and even use your competitors’ ads to help boost your […]
Keeping Your Personal Information Safe Amidst Amazon’s Latest Policy Change

On July 8th, Amazon made an announcement that both intrigued and concerned many, particularly frequent Amazon sellers. That announcement? Sellers’ addresses will now be shown on their own page, as well as their business name. Amazon’s reasoning sounds innocent enough: “These features help customers learn more about the businesses of a seller and the products […]
Elements of a Successful Amazon Product Title

Selling on Amazon comes with its own unique plethora of challenges and learning opportunities. None, however, are as important as creating an impactful product title. In this article, we will take a closer look at why it is important to weigh all the elements of your product listing as well as all you need to […]
10 Tips For Great Communication With Chinese Suppliers

Starting and maintaining an Amazon business can be difficult in and of itself. What makes it even more difficult, however, is attempting to formulate relationships or outsource products with foreign manufacturers without the proper tools and knowledge. Unfortunately, this situation is more than likely to come across the path as you continue on your Amazon […]
Amazon launches start-up accelerator programs (Invite Only)

Selling on Amazon can be difficult, especially for smaller, startup businesses and less experienced sellers. The company is notorious for suspending or banning sellers who do not comply exactly with its strict rules and regulations. This process is especially difficult for new businesses attempting to pop up during a time of worldwide economic turmoil caused […]