How to Get Reviews on Amazon in 2022

Everyone wants to see good ratings when they are thinking about buying a product. Many people may even select one product listing over another because one has better reviews — even if it is the same product from the same manufacturer. Two years ago, in 2020, Amazon moved from “Reviews” to “Ratings.” The new “Ratings” […]
How Amazon A9 Algorithm Works?

Adding a product listing to Amazon’s marketplace without regard for Amazon SEO is not enough. Making sure that the A9 algorithm picks up and promotes your products is essential to having successful product listings. While Amazon does not exactly detail how its algorithm works, there is a clear goal in mind: The A9 algorithm promotes […]
How to Dropship on Amazon

Dropshipping is a method of retail fulfillment that uses a third party to ship the product to the customer. Under this fulfillment style, someone purchases a product from a retailer who then places an order with a third party. Third parties are companies like a manufacturer or other retailers. This third party will then ship […]
How to Improve your Amazon Storefront in 3 ways

Amazon has, by far, the most amount of customers of any eCommerce platform. This isn’t surprising to anyone reading this article so it shouldn’t be surprising that there are also a large number of merchants on the website. The net sales for Amazon in the United States was a dizzying $314b in 2021. These sales […]
How to get a brand registered with Amazon’s IP Accelerator Program

When creating business on Amazon, everyone should take advantage of the Amazon Brand Registry. This platform enables a suite of tools otherwise unavailable for non-registered sellers. While it isn’t mandatory to become a part of this platform, it makes it more effective and secure. Amazon Brand Registry matters because it offers protection from knock-off and […]
Selling on Amazon vs eBay: Which is the Best?

One of the biggest hurdles that a merchant faces is in choosing the platform that they will sell on. eBay and Amazon are the two main options but, even just deciding between them can seem difficult. By and large, more businesses benefit from Amazon but that is not the case for everyone. Let’s go over […]
How to Handle Amazon Quantity Limits in 2022

Amazon updated the limitations placed on sellers in 2020 from being a restriction on ASIN levels to a focus on storage space. If you’re a seller on the marketplace, you’ve likely already realized this but you may not know exactly what determines these limits or how to handle them. As such, we wanted to go […]
How to Avoid the Amazon Prime’s Fee Hike

Did you get the email a few weeks back about Amazon’s price hike, read it, and immediately forget until now? With the change coming upon us, it’s important to think through the additional price Amazon is asking for. For some, this price increase might make the platform no longer be worth the price for them. […]
How To Apply For A GTIN Exemption And Its Importance To Amazon Business

Amazon manages a large amount of inventory and a wide range of products every day. To keep track of it all, they require items to have a scannable code. Without this standardized code to track the many items sold throughout the world, nobody could ever keep track. But what are these barcodes? And what if […]
Amazon Seller Lending Program – How to utilize it?

Trying to run a business without enough capital is like embarking on a cross-country trip with no fuel. While it may be a worn-out maxim, it’s nonetheless true: you have to spend money to make money. Amazon seller lending program is the answer. What happens when there isn’t an egg for the chicken to hatch […]