Amazon is Rolling Out More Bots for Contactless Delivery

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Amazon has been introducing a fleet of autonomous robot delivery vehicles in the delivery system since 2019. This online e-commerce platform has been trialing their robot delivery system in many major cities throughout the United States. But, with the increased need for forms contactless delivery since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon has expanded the test markets for these robots-on-wheels. 

Amazon Scout

Known as Amazon Scout, these cooler sized delivery vehicles that move at a walking pace deliver packages to customers without the need for human-to-human contact. While this was another step in improving upon the expansive delivery system that Amazon Prime has created, these robot delivery methods have proven to be extremely beneficial in times like this. In a recent blog post by vice president, Sean Scott, Amazon’s Scout has been named as one of the strategies Amazon has used to ensure safe deliveries while providing essential services to the public during COVID-19 and continuing to meet the increasing customer demands. 

Initial Trial Areas and Results

Amazon’s “adora-bots” have not only brought joy to the communities they have served so far but have also shown to be effective forms of delivery. Limited initial testing took place in two locations-Irvine, California and residential areas of Seattle, Washington. These self-driving delivery robots will make their trial deliveries under the supervision of Scout Ambassadors, human workers that monitor their progress and ensure the robots are functioning properly.  

Over a year of observation has shown that Amazon’s Scout can endure many of Mother Nature’s surprises, including the largest snowstorm in the Pacific Northwest in the past decade, and easily as well as safely navigate your average neighborhood obstructions such as trash cans, pedestrians, pets, or lawn furniture. While Scout can’t climb staircases just yet, the future of robot delivery is being studied extensively in Amazon’s hardware and software labs

Future of Scout

In recent weeks, Amazon has decided to expand their testing sites by adding the cities of Atlanta, Georgia and Franklin, Tennessee to their mini robot’s portfolio of delivery locations. This was an easy decision for executive teams at Amazon especially because of their significant presence in these areas through Amazon’s corporate offices and warehouses. These all-electric vehicles have supplemented the company’s transportation network and hopes are that this method of contactless delivery will continue to provide a sense of security to customers throughout the pandemic 

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